2025 CMS Compliance Requirements: Infection Prevention and Control and ASP (W5008)

Online Education   
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM   iCalendar Eastern Standard Time

This series is complimentary for all GHA members. 

The fee is $295 for non-members.


Laura A. Dixon, BS, JD, RN, CPHRM

Course Curriculum

A hospital must have an active infection control program throughout the facility to track, prevent and control infectious diseases, including Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs). Additionally, the hospital must have a program for the optimization of antibiotic use through stewardship. This program will discuss the changes the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) made to the infection control standards in 2019, as well as the interpretive guidelines developed in July 2022.

The program will cover what a hospital must have in place to comply with the regulations, such as the qualifications of the infection preventionist, a hospital-wide antibiotic stewardship program, and nationally recognized infection control standards. This webinar will also cover the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) procedures for cleaning and disinfecting reusable medical devices and will provide training resources.

Continuing Education Credits

The Georgia Hospital Association Research & Education Foundation is an approved provider of nursing home administrator credits as a professional trade association in long term care under Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 393-13-.02, (1) (a).  Approved for 1.5 contact hours.  

By attending 2025 CMS Compliance Requirements: Infection Prevention and Control and ASP Webinar offered by Georgia Hospital Association, participants may earn up to 1.5 ACHE Qualifying Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation. Attendees who wish to have the hours applied toward ACHE Qualifying Education credit must self-report their participation by logging into their MyACHE account and selecting ACHE Qualifying Education Credit.

If you need assistance with registration, please contact the education department at education@gha.org or 770-249-4529.


Online Education   

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